
When a basic necessity of life becomes compromised, anxiety and stress ensue: that’s what Diane said about foods and fluids.

Diane has had significant digestive tract experience. Doctors’ tests, lab work, and diagnoses were helpful, but did not provide any remedies nor a road map for improvement. We feel lucky to have been able to find a way to deal with it using only a diet management plan and no medications. Eliminating the meds was not easy, but she felt it was important to continue without them. The results have been positive, so we felt that it would be selfish not to share our journey and help others like us. Especially when improvement can be just a diet management plan away, and is hopefully within everyone’s reach.

Like many hEDS patients, Diane struggled with digestive tract issues since childhood, some of which remained the same or got worse, and some that came on suddenly over the years. There is no known cure for these digestive issues at this time, but nonetheless, there is a way to minimize sensitivity and reaction to foods and fluids. Basically, as shown above, consume foods and fluids that agree with your body, and stay away from those that the body can not tolerate due to sensitivity or reaction.

During Diane’s ordeal at its most extreme, foods and fluids were like the enemy of our household, but with experience and understanding, we can now enjoy a variety of meals and beverages. We are now just more selective. Again, although I am not usually sensitive or allergic to any foods or fluids (and Diane keeps asking me to eat what I want), I felt it was ridiculous to have two different sets of meals and beverages, especially when it’s just the two of us. So we now mostly eat and drink the same things, but also we each have our favorites, which is a good compromise.